new year, new blog entry.

happy new year everyone! welcome to the year of the tiger!

so i've really decided that i'm not a particularly good blogger unless i'm really inspired by something cool happening – and when something cool happens i usually want to enjoy it rather than worrying about writing it down. Or when i just need to share thoughts that going through my head.
so, though i pledge to do my best on the blog entry thing . . . i think most of the time I'll just check in and let you folks know stuff that you might find exciting, inspiring, or intriguing.

that's kinda how i think the blog thing is going to work out for me. i'd like it to be interactive. i'll check in and let you know what i'm reading, listening to, watching, or thinking about – then you (the collective 'you' out there) write me at thisfire[at] and let me know what YOU'RE thinking, reading, listening to.

how's that sound?!


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