Thank you 2007! Hello 2008!

Dear friends/mates/colleagues;

time spent with each one of you last year has been quite interesting, funny, touching, loving, and surprising...

i would like to take this opportunity to thank you and wish you...

- humor in everything, no matter how serious it is...
- awareness of your connection to everything, no matter how disconnected we all may feel from each other...
- love for all parts of yourself, including the parts that you think are utterly un-loveable.
- endless expression in whatever form, whether it's in how you dress or how you speak.
- freedom from any box or construct that doesn't encourage life in you...
- courage to set your boundaries with clarity and love...
- allergy-free white kittens and pillows to fall into when you are despondent and spent and lost...
- faith in the moments where it seems stupid and foolish to have it...
- moments of blissful solitude and yummy community and safe intimacy in the doses that feel best...
- moments of feeling like a student, equal and teacher..all roles spent with you in your power...
- gratitude for all that you have and boot strap up-pulling for when you want to move forward into entirely unknown territory, for that is where i believe liberation and growth is most often found...

and i send you love & friendship throughout 2008!

love, peace & light,

ed :)


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